What Happens After a Family Member Receives a Dementia Diagnosis?

Older adult getting a diagnosis from a doctor

Understanding what to expect after a dementia diagnosis can be overwhelming. For individuals diagnosed with a form of dementia and their family members, the road ahead may seem uncertain and challenging. However, navigating this new chapter can be manageable with the right information and support.

At SaraBella Senior Living, we provide compassionate memory care in Sarasota, Florida. We want to help you and your family navigate your dementia journey by providing information on what to expect after a diagnosis.

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is an umbrella term for a range of cognitive impairments that interfere with daily life. The most common types include Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia. Each type affects the brain differently but generally leads to memory loss, impaired judgment, and changes in behavior.

A dementia diagnosis can only be made by medical professionals’ assessment, thorough medical history, and physical and cognitive examinations.

What Comes After a Dementia Diagnosis?

Understanding and Dealing with the Emotional Impact

Once a dementia diagnosis is confirmed, the emotional toll can be profound for both the individual and their relatives. They may experience a range of emotions, from denial and anger to sadness and acceptance. Open communication within the family or seeking counseling can help everyone process these feelings in a healthy way. Talking to others is a great way to ensure that you and your family know you are not alone during this process.

Health Care Planning

Comprehensive health care planning becomes essential after a family member has been diagnosed with dementia. This often includes scheduling regular medical appointments to monitor the progression of the disease, managing medications to mitigate symptoms, and crafting tailored care plans to ensure the best possible lifestyle. Including specialists such as neurologists and geriatricians in the care team for their expert guidance and insights is crucial. Additionally, incorporating occupational therapists and psychologists can help address cognitive and emotional challenges that arise with dementia.

Financial Planning

Older adults doing financial planning

Financial considerations are equally important and require careful planning. Creating or updating a will ensures that the individual’s wishes are respected and legally documented. It’s wise to work with financial advisors to manage assets effectively and explore options like memory care services in Sarasota senior living communities. This planning helps mitigate stress and secures the future for both you and your family member. 

Educating Yourself

Knowledge is empowering, so it is crucial to educate yourself about the dementia diagnosis, its progression, and its implications. Understanding what to expect can help you prepare for the future and make informed decisions about care and treatment. Resources such as books, online courses, and seminars are available to help you learn more about dementia. 

Treating the Person with Dignity and Respect

Maintaining the dignity and respect of the person with dementia is paramount. Use positive language, involve them in conversations, and make them feel valued and heard. Small gestures of kindness and patience can significantly impact their well-being. Consider creating a familiar and comfortable setting at home by surrounding them with cherished memories and personal belongings, and make time for meaningful visits to stay connected and let them know you are there for them. 

Exploring Long-Term Care Options and Memory Care in Sarasota

Caregiver talking to two older adults

Exploring long-term care options early on, such as memory care in Sarasota, can make transitions smoother and less stressful for the individual and their family. At SaraBella Senior Living, we provide a tailored setting where individuals receive specialized care designed to delay cognitive decline and manage symptoms properly. Our specialized memory care programs enhance cognitive function, providing stimulation and giving every resident opportunities for one-on-one engagement. 

Finding a Support Group 

Developing a support network of friends and family and joining support groups can offer comfort and shared experiences. Engaging with community resources, such as local dementia care centers and non-profit organizations, can also provide additional support, information, and options for caregivers.

A dementia diagnosis is undoubtedly challenging, but with thoughtful planning and support, it is possible to navigate this journey with grace and compassion. If you’re exploring memory care options in Sarasota, contact our team at SaraBella Senior Living to learn more about our specialized services and how we can support you through this journey.